We manage NHS blood donation services in England and transplant services across the UK. Read more about what we do.
We help people do something extraordinary - donate blood, organs, tissues or stem cells to save someone in need
We manage NHS blood donation services in England and transplant services across the UK. Read more about what we do.
We need people who have had COVID-19 to volunteer as plasma donors in our convalescent plasma programme.
This plasma is being used in clinical trials to help the NHS treat COVID-19 patients.
You still have a choice whether or not you wish to become a donor.
Discover how our teams and services are responding to the coronavirus pandemic.
Could you donate blood, organs, stem cells or tissue?
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Have you donated or received blood or organs?
Find out how our world-class research is improving patient outcomes.
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See how we're working to increase blood and organ donation.
Our service is vital for those needing transfusions and transplants. We're working hard to save and transform lives in the UK and beyond.
Amazing real life stories from the people affected by blood and organ donation.
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Read about pioneering discoveries in donation, transfusion and transplantation, and watch vintage donor recruitment films.
Take a video tour of our blood centre in Filton to see the testing and manufacturing process in action.
Malcolm Shaw, 72, is supporting the urgent NHS appeal for more COVID-19 convalescent plasma donors, especially male donors.
NHS Blood and Transplant is now urgently appealing for people to donate convalescent plasma.